Taino Exceptional Anthropic Mask c 600-1500 AD by Unknown Artist Owl Symbol Incised Silicious Sandstone Length 8.5″

Taino Exceptional Anthropic Mask c 600-1500 AD by Unknown Artist Owl Symbol Incised Silicious Sandstone Length 8.5"

Lot# 241


SOLD: $600


c 600-1500 AD. The back of the mask is carved out to fit the face. Mouth is open with full tooth display. Eyes are open voids. An Owl symbol is incised at the top of the head. Made from a silicious sandstone. Length 8.5″. Taino culture Dominican Republic. From the estate of collector Dr. Robert Woodruff, deceased professor of entomology at the University of Florida. For over thirty years he regularly traveled to the Dominican Republic to conduct research. While traveling through the country he developed a substantial Taino and rock and mineral collection.
