(2) William and Mary banister back armchairs. Early 18th-century. One with open cutout back, scroll arms, turned legs and stretchers. Later rush seat and black painted surface. Probably New England. The other is yoke back, scroll arms, turned legs and sausage turned stretchers. Probably Hudson River valley. Later rush seat. Older black painted surface. The first measures 51″ high, 24 1/2″ wide, and 17″ deep. 16 3/4″ seat height. The second chair measures 44 1/2″ high, 24″ wide, and 17 3/4″ deep. 16 1/2″ seat height. Both chairs show old repair. The first chair shows chew marks on frame.
Pair of William and Mary Banister Back Armchairs, Early 18th-century, Probably New England and Hudson River Valley.