(3) items related to captain Thomas Crapo, and his wife crossing the Atlantic to include a cabinet card depicting his small ship, The New Bedford, in rough seas. Inscribed on the back that it was taken from a drawing done on board the Batavia, which passed the tiny boat in mid ocean during a heavy gale. 4 1/2″ by 7 1/2″. Good condition. A thirty-page pamphlet titled Captain and Mrs. Crapo’s feat of crossing the Atlantic in a tiny boat The New Bedford. 4 1/2″ by 3 1/4″. In good condition. A 154-page hardcover book titled “Strange But True, The Life And Adventures Of Captain, Thomas Crapo And His Wife”, Copyright 1893, Octavo. Blue cloth boards with interesting illustrations. Good condition with minor splitting to the interior front hinge.
Captain Thomas Crapo’s Atlantic Crossing Collection: Cabinet Card, Pamphlet, and Book, 1893.