(5) WWI Recruitment Posters

(5) WWI Recruitment Posters

Lot# 454


SOLD: $1600


Early 20th c., to include: A) Air Service recruitment poster with planes and airships. Printed by Forbes, Boston. Army Recruiting Station, Misch Building, Providence, RI. 30-1/4″ x 20″. Pinholes, minor discoloration / foxing to margins and tears. Good color, overall very good condition. B) US Marine recruitment poster designed by J.C. Leyendecker. Tribune Building, Providence, RI. 26″ x 18″. Shows pinholes, some minor foxing but overall very good condition. C) Dated 1919: US Army Ordnance Department recruitment poster. Caesar Misch Building, Providence, RI. 19-1/4″ x 25-1/4″. Shows some pinholes, minor tears, and creases. Very good color. Overall very good condition. D) Quartermaster Corps recruitment poster designed by John W. Sheeres. Caesar Misch Building, Providence, RI. Features image of Uncle Sam. 26″ x 17″. Shows some minor losses and tears to bottom edge. Some minor tears and creases. Old pinholes. Possibly an old repair toward top. Good color, overall good condition. E) US Marine recruitment poster. Tribune Building, Providence RI. 26″ x 18-1/4″. Shows some pinholes, some tears, foxing at left margin. Some creases but overall good condition.
